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Image by Aidan Hancock


The World is Going Mobile, And So Should You!


The growth of mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets as the primary medium with which consumers access information is astounding. Today, 95% of adults access content/information primarily on their smartphones. This means that brands that can capture their audiences on mobile devices alone already have a substantial headstart.

The world has truly gone mobile! The demand for mobile content marketing is through the roof. Businesses and brands are falling over themselves to capture the attention of potential customers on those relatively smaller screens. You should too!


We Simplify The Mobile Marketing Process

By definition, mobile marketing is any multi-channel digital marketing strategy directed towards an audience that will receive the content via their smartphones/tablets. It is a highly disruptive field that is heavily impacting the way in which people engage with their favourite brands. This is mostly because consumers are freer and more relaxed whilst on their phones and view them as media consumption devices.

An effective mobile marketing strategy requires a preeminent understanding of the habits, tastes, and preferences of the target consumers. At Cosmark, we take the time to understand the corresponding mobile demographic with your brand and craft crisp strategies to capture them. 


Mobile Marketing 101

We make it sound simple, but it is anything but. Mobile marketing is a multi-layered construct that includes processes such as:

  • Creating mobile buyer personas to gain an adequate understanding of the buyers’ preferences, pain points, information sources etc.

  • Setting goals: This is key to gauging the success or failure of projects and campaigns.

  • Establishing Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s): These help to test and optimize every campaign, ensuring that they are as effective as possible. Examples of these could be engagement and acquisition.

  •  Monitoring mobile metrics: Web and mobile metrics at times are two different beasts to tame. Metrics such as mobile behaviour data and mobile conversion data allow strategists gain insights into their mobile marketing campaign performance.


We amalgamate the above processes into strategies such as social media marketing, email marketing, SMS, and mobile search marketing to take your brand recognition to the mobile stratosphere!




Contact Us Today!

Get in touch with us via Call/Email/WhatsApp to find out how we can boost your digital presence.

One taste, they say, is all it takes!

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